3 reasons you should have a photographer on your yoga retreat
In the era of smartphones and cheap digital cameras it can be easy to think the photographer’s job is one that is easily replaced - however if you’ve ever been serious about taking your yoga business to the next level, here’s why you should take a professional with you on your yoga retreat.
Your students will love having memories created for them, in a place where being on a smartphone might not feel like something one wants to do. I certainly have felt the need to put my phone away when teaching or attending a yoga retreat, but my nostalgic side was longing to capture the moments I was living.
Capture Attention
When someone has professional photography to advertise their business as social proof, it sends the message that they take themselves seriously. How is anyone going to believe you if you don’t believe in yourself?
With quality content material marketing becomes easier, and despite the reluctance of putting “yoga” and “marketing” in the same sentence, the reality is that if we want to have enough energy to be of service to as many students as possible, we need to invest our time properly in order to decrease the hustle. And marketing is part of that.
Are you thinking of taking a photographer with you on your next retreat?
Dm me on Instagram so we can see if we can work together 💛