Who else wasted time feeling guilty running a business for MONEY as a conscious brand ?
Do you ever feel a bit uncomfortable at the idea of being a business owner when your calling is so far removed from all that jargon ? Maybe have a sustainable clothing brand or are a yoga teacher …
Me too !
It took me a little while to step into my business owner identity after my spiritual awakening. I was floating around teaching yoga from studio to studio, feeling a bit uneasy at the idea of “business”. When in reality I was still teaching for money, only someone else was in charge of the marketing (the studios). It all came to light during the pandemic when a lot of fitness instructors I know felt guilty about charging for classes when they had to teach for themselves.
It was all a bit intense to suddenly see yoga teachers speak to their phone to advertise their classes, trying different things to get the numbers (and pay their rent …).
Since then I have moved on to teaching part time in order to focus on my first passion/purpose which is photography. I thought it would be two distinct parts of my life but actually my spirituality has a huge part into how I run my photography business.
I know people who are still resistant to the idea of “selling” and “providing a service” when it comes to charge money. And I get it. But until we free ourselves from capitalism and abolish landlords, we are going to have to become comfortable with money and business. However I am convinced there are ways to do it as soul-led and purposeful as possible - after all, spirituality is not separate from life. It IS life.
Here are some of the things I do and that you can do too :
Show up as yourself
It is easy to compare ourselves too much when we spend too much time on social media. We try things because we saw they worked for someone else, even if they don’t feel aligned with us. Trust your intuition.
See people’s magic
Everything comes from love. I know you know that. But I tend to forget if I’m stressed or chasing an invoice. I try to see the things I can’t see : the stories behind my client’s delays, joys, sorrows, requests.
Trust yourself, trust your message. Trust the divine timing, the universe, whichever fits your belief system. You’re doing what you are doing because it is your calling, and by finding ways to share your offerings you are bettering the world.
Give back to your community
If I live with a sense of urgency (for example if I struggle to make ends meet), then I am only thinking about myself. I try to think of ways I can give instead of what I can take. It manifests in different forms. I can give my time, or services, or stuff. You have that power too.
Want to reconcile your spiritual mind and being an entrepreneur ? Give these a shot.