3 standing poses that look good in pictures

Continuing my series of poses that look good on pictures - to help my lovely teacher friends getting stage fright when put in front of a camera!

  • Natarajasana - dancer pose

A woman holds dancer pose.

A standing balance and a backbend! So many angles to play with this pose, and you can use your free hand to hold yourself against a tree or wall if you are on a wobbly surface - which happens fairly regularly in photoshoots let’s be honest.

  • Eka pada kurma dandasana - bird of paradise

A woman smiles and holds bird of paradise pose.

Not the most accessible of poses but I find binds to be very photogenic, combined with the gracefulness a standing balance can bring to the body - it’s a beautiful combo. It can also be done using props which can be interesting to showcase as a teacher.

  • Utthita Hasta Padanghustasana B - extended hand to foot

A woman holds extended hand to foot pose.

A bit like bird of paradise but without the bind, and very easy to adapt depending on what kind of teacher you want to be - holding the knee with one hand and the wall with another is just as photogenic as the leg extension!


Branding shoot for Angie Brand


When in doubt, bind